I understand that Russell Westbrook is a super star and is very wiry. His fast twitch muscles aren’t rivaled by many people on the planet. That and I think he is a sneaky loose cannon who can keep it together all the time, but like the Hulk is always angry so snapping into fighter mode probably is very easy for him. So him taking on an older guy seems like a complete mismatch. But this isn’t just any old guy, this is Vince Carter. He has that old man strength that simply can be taught or appreciated by young people. He’s seen everything there is to see. He’s entering that Murtaugh area where he’s getting to old for this shit, but still can hang with the cocky young dudes when pushed. 

Missed Opportunity

So yeah, I think we all missed a great opportunity for Vince Carter to summon is inner Nolan Ryan and take the young buck, Russ Westbrook, to the wood shed. Nothing would of made me smile more than to see Russ act like he’s going to roll the greatest in game dunker of all time only for Vince Carter to put him in an inescapable headlock and teach him some manners. Maybe because I’m 32 and I’m starting to think I’m hitting some sort of old age mostly due to me not wanting to do anything besides sit at home and eat boxes of Cheez-Its, but I’m rooting for the older people in everything. I find myself more and more railing against younger people for every decision they make. I don’t want to say that I’m at full “old man yells at cloud” territory yet, but it’s coming and I think I want to embrace it. Not sure at 32 if that’s a good thing or not. It’s probably a bad thing because I don’t think if I ever get old man strength that I won’t get it until I’m at least 40. 

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