Not a year goes by, not a year where I don’t have to hear or see some piece on if eggs are healthy for us or not. Today was no different. Scrolling to the left of my phone there it was, an article about if eggs are healthy or not and what experts have to say on the matter. A bigger eye role, I cannot recall.

Just Try Looking it Up

Go on Google and type in if eggs are healthy for us and you’ll get countless blogs, articles and videos of experts and nutritionists debating whether or not people should consume eggs. It’s 2018, and we can send land crafts to Mars, people are living to 130+ and flying cars look they might be a part of our reality soon. But, we still aren’t completely sure about a food people have eaten for the last 6 million years. I just want this debate to go away for ever.

The Answer Is

The answer is like everything else. Don’t eat 50 eggs a week and you’ll be fine. If you have a few a week, then that is actually good for you. Once again, moderation strikes again. I don’t know why this is so hard to figure out. It’s like alcohol, if you drink a ton everyday then you’re going to have some major problems down the road. Have some of the good stuff here and there and you’ll be alright. But this idea that people believe eggs will kill you dead is just crazy and it needs to stop. 

Top 5 Ways To Have Eggs 

  1. Sunny Side Up
  2. Omelet
  3. As an egg sandwich
  4. Scrambled
  5. Italian Easter Pie– Trust me if you never you heard of it, you want to                                        because it’s on the rise

Follow me for eggcelent rhetoric @2ndSatSports

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