If there’s any living human who embodies the saying “living your best life,’ it has to be Tim Tebow. Recent reports indicate that the Jaguars could potentially sign Tim Tebow as a tight-end.

The only problem with that is the fact that Tebow’s never played tight-end in his life. He’s a quarterback who, honestly, wasn’t even good at that. But it doesn’t appear that anything can stand in the way of Tim Tebow and his dreams.

A little over a year ago, Tim Tebow hit his first major league spring-training home run as he pursued his dreams of making it to the big leagues. However, in early February of 2021, Tebow announced his retirement from baseball. Another sport that, quite frankly, he just wasn’t very good at playing. Now just three months later, Tim Tebow is eyeing a return to the NFL after a nine-year absence.

Even though it’s a slap in the face to current football players desperately trying to make rosters, I’ll give Tebow some credit. He hasn’t seen an NFL field since 2012, and he’s never seen the field as anything more than a quarterback. Clearly, Tebow’s been humbled as the years have passed him by for him to be so open to changing positions. As many know, this wasn’t his original stance. And even though history dictates he’s bound to fail at this as well, I admire the 33 year-olds willingness to chase his goals.

Tebow’s History

In the last 14 years, Tim Tebow’s won a Heisman, a national championship, was a first-round pick, lead a dead in the water Broncos team to the playoffs, won a playoff game, became a great college football commentator, made it to Triple-A, and now at age 33, is looking to change positions and return to the NFL. All the while, he’s done it with a smile on his face. If that isn’t the definition of living your best life, I don’t know what is.

Will Tebow Make The Team?

Urban Meyer apparently hasn’t made a decision on the Jaguars signing Tim Tebow, though he was “convinced” to give him “a shot.”

Even with these reports, the unanimous assumption is that he’ll get signed sooner or later. If he does get signed, all eyes will be on whether or not he makes the final roster. Assuming he does, the Jaguars are sure to be a big draw for NFL fans. Not just because of no.1 overall pick Trevor Lawrence, but because of the new team chaplain and tight-end, Tim Tebow.

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About Author

Kendrick Lindsay

Growing up in a single-parent household came with its perks and downsides. Perk, I became very close to my mother. The downside, she wasn't a sports watcher. It wasn't until I was 15 years old that I was introduced to the world of sports/sports media. That's when I truly fell in love with it all. And it wasn't the X's and O's that won me over, it was the deep-rooted stories of the business, the athletes, and the ever so changing nature of sports that intrigued me. As a recent college graduate and Communications major, I hope to put my imprint on the sports media world.

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