Originated out of Toledo, Ohio. Three friends, Mike, Blaine & Brandon came together with a plan to take on the sports mainstream in a hope to change the every day sports norm. Thus creating, Belly Up Sports!
Ya, we get it….You may be asking, “Why the name Belly Up Sports?” Well, when we first started some said we’d go “belly up”. So we replied, “bring it on”, and made it our name. Turns out, three plus years later and we’re still here.
We also really like the image of bellying up to a sports bar because that’s us. But just to be clear, you know that person who belly ups to the bar and spouts off stupid, non-sensical stuff? Yeah, that’s not us. We’re the people who make fun of that guy while spouting off original, funny and clever stuff that you love. And we do so on topics ranging from the NFL to NASCAR, from WWE to WNBA, from the NHL to nearly every other sport – much like you’d find in a sports bar. We like to say we are “The Internet’s Sports Bar.”
And whether you like podcasts, forums or articles, we’ve got it covered. We even have some pretty cool merchandise to boot – though we don’t actually sell boots, yet.
“We are what they aren’t.” We aren’t ESPN, Yahoo, Deadspin or Barstool, nor do we want to be. We’re the people you want to hang out with, not the people you want to avoid! So here’s to hoping you Belly Up with us.