WCW SuperBrawl III
Date: February 21, 1993
Venue: Asheville Civic Center in Asheville, North Carolina
Attendance: 6,500
PPV Buy Rates: 0.5
*Credit to Dave Meltzer & The Wrestling Observer for star ratings, stats, and some match notes
WCW SuperBrawl III did amazing in feedback; the best response since WrestleWar ’91 (both shows are available on Peacock Prime). There was a sellout of 6,500 in the building and another 1,000 overflows next door, watching on a closed circuit.
The opening package shows Vader whipping Sting and choking him with a leather strap and attacking others with that strap as well. As goofy as the White Castle of Fear was, the opening package made me care about it. Plus, it’s Sting and Vader.
We start WCW SuperBrawl III with Eric Bischoff along with Missy Hyatt. Bischoff lets us know that Ron Simmons is out with a shoulder injury and can’t compete, so Maxx Payne will be replacing him. Quite the replacement. Missy Hyatt was so damn goofy and out of place. Eric introduces Johnny B. Badd, who comes out to a mix of cheers and boos and then silence. He’s dressed like the captain on a gay pride cruise.
We’re now sent to our commentary team, Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura. Jesse’s got the Reno haircut and wearing a snakeskin poncho. After they talk for a while, we get a rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner” by THE HEEL, Maxx Payne, on his electric guitar. Pyro blows and we finally get going.
The Hollywood Blonds (Flyin’ Brian Pillman & Stunning Steve Austin) vs. Erik Watts & Marcus Alexander Bagwell [16:34]
During the Blonds’ entrance, we clearly see Matt Hardy in the crowd, flexing and going nuts. How many damn tag partners did Bagwell have? The crowd actually chants for Austin. Watts is drawing boos, deservedly so. When Ventura asks why the fans keep booing him, Schiavone asks, “Is it boo, or is it ooh?” The finish comes when Bagwell hits a bridging Fisherman suplex on Pillman, the ref is distracted, so Austin comes off the top rope to hit Bagwell with an elbow drop so Pillman can make the cover for the win.
ME: **
We get a video package of Sting in a helicopter, flying through snowy mountains. Vader says, “Stinger, we have a date with destiny!” while the snow blows on him. We can hear Sting’s internal thoughts, saying, “I wonder what this is all about?”
Back in the arena, Eric Bischoff is with Johnny B. Badd, and when Bischoff informs Johnny that Ric Flair is at the building, Johnny gets very excited. They throw it to Missy Hyatt in the parking lot when a white limo pulls in. Security and police don’t know who Missy is and frisk her up against the limo. Two women get out of the limo and Missy randomly walks off with them before Ric Flair gets out of the limo, woo’s, and security leads him off. Missy stomps and pouts.

Chris Benoit vs. 2 Cold Scorpio [16:57]
Benoit’s got long wet hair, is wearing gray zebra stripe tights, and wearing a leather jacket. Gary Michael Cappetta is counting down the final seconds of the match, Benoit goes for a Dragon Suplex, Scorpio drops down for a roll-up, and gets the win.
ME: *** 1/2
Eric Bischoff interviews Maxx Payne on the stage about his upcoming US Title match. Maxx apparently named his electric guitar, Norma Gene. He says he’s got an epitaph for Dustin Rhodes, randomly looks up and says, “Mother?” and then plays Taps on his guitar.
“Wild” Bill Irwin vs. “The British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith [05:49]
The future Goon comes to the ring with a bullwhip, whipping the ground and all edges of the ring to prove that he’s “wild.” This is the WCW debut for Davey Boy Smith. In the end, Smith catches Irwin coming off the top, turns it into a running power slam, and gets the pin.
ME: **
We get another weird video in the mountains of a camera going into a cave where a medieval-looking table is set up with food all over it and Vader’s helmet/shoulder pad thing.
British Bulldog cuts a post-match promo, proving that talking on the mic was never his strong suit. He says he wants to be the World Champion Heavyweight Champion of the World and says he’s looking forward to Van Vader’s match tonight with The Sting and The Strap.
Johnny B. Badd and Missy Hyatt are on the stage to promote the WCW going to England soon and Missy throws a fit because no one told her to get her passport.
Eric Bischoff is standing by with Paul Orndorff backstage, asking what’s going through his mind before his match with Cactus Jack. Paul starts shouting about not being afraid of Cactus Jack until he gets interrupted by Cactus Jack slamming a snow shovel onto the ground. He then runs out towards the ring.

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Cactus Jack – Falls Count Anywhere [12:17]
This is the point in the night where I was beyond sick of Schiavone and Ventura constantly correcting each other. There are some sick spots in this one involving guard rails. This is basically the Cactus Jack Stunt Show. In the end, Orndorff is beating on Cactus Jack’s hurt leg with a chair and then turns to signal for a piledriver. But behind Orndorff’s back, Cactus grabs the shovel and blasts Orndorff in the face for the 3-count.
ME: ** 1/2
We now go back to a weird 3-way conversation with Bischoff, Badd, and Hyatt that didn’t need to happen whatsoever. Now, back to WCW SuperBrawl III.

The Heavenly Bodies (Dr. Tom Prichard & Stan Lane) (w/ Jim Cornette & Bobby Eaton) vs. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) [12:52]
Because they decided Eaton isn’t wrestling in this match, referees send him to the back to start the match while Cornette whines about it. Ventura basically makes a gay joke about Cornette saying, “With what the President is looking to do with the military, Cornette might be eligible now!” Ventura and Schiavone wonder what Tom Prichard is a doctor of, and Tony claims Cornette said he was the “Doctor of Disaster” (he was the “Doctor of Desire”). In the end, Bobby Eaton sneaks in behind the ref’s back and accidentally fist drops Prichard, Gibson pins him and gets the win.
ME: ** 1/2
After the match, Cornette is trying to stop Prichard and Lane from killing “Beautiful” Bobby.
We get another cinematic short scene where Sting walks into Vader’s cave and two beautiful women are laying on a bed, covered in fur blankets. Sting just looks around like he’s the Terminator scanning the room.
“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes (c) vs. Maxx Payne – WCW United States Heavyweight Title [11:28]
I like how Dustin Rhodes is wearing Hulk Hogan colors. Maxx Payne is wearing the most generic wrestling outfit of all time, with half-tights over a singlet, no logos on any of it. To conclude this lame-ass match, while Dustin has Payne locked in an abdominal stretch, Maxx pulls the ref into Dustin to break the hold and the ref calls for the bell, disqualifying him.
ME: *
Maxx Payne throws Dustin Rhodes outside the ring after the match and beats him up until Dustin makes a comeback, dropkicks him, and referees escort Payne away.
In yet another short cinematic scene, Sting is surrounded by beautiful women in a glowing red cave and says, “There’s something very familiar about all of this.” Vader is seen in a mirror shouting, “STINGER!” and the mirror shatters.
Back at the arena again, Bischoff, Hyatt, and Badd are all teasing some sort of surprise for later on before Ric Flair’s theme hits and he comes out. This is one of the first instances I’ve seen of a heel entrance and face entrance. Schiavone interviews Flair at ringside. Ric puts over that he’s back and he never lost the NWA Title, to begin with.
The Great Muta (c) (w/ Hiro Matsuda) vs. Barry Windham – NWA World Heavyweight Title [24:10]
The fans didn’t even wait for the match to start before chanting, “We want Flair!” Muta claims he had the flu here, which could be an excuse for how the match went. Ric Flair, on commentary, shows that it wasn’t inappropriate in 1993 to use racial slurs against Japanese people. In the end, Windham gets the knees up on a moonsault attempt, hits a lariat, then drops Muta with an implant DDT before pinning him for the win.
ME: ** 1/2

After the match, Ric Flair goes to strap the World Title around Barry Windham’s waist, Windham realizes it’s Ric and whips around. They stare each other down as Flair smirks and then walks away.
We are back in the glowing red cave with the beautiful women all over the place. Vader said, “RACE! STRAP!” and Harley Race tightens the leather strap around Vader’s wrist. He throws it to Sting, Sting picks it up, and the screen explodes.
If we weren’t already pumped up enough, we get another freaking hype segment with Bischoff, Badd, and Hyatt. Good grief. Now on to the main event of WCW SuperBrawl III!

Big Van Vader (c) (w/ Harley Race) vs. Sting – White Castle of Fear Strap match for the WCW World Heavyweight Title [10:54]
A graphic on the screen lets us know this match isn’t sanctioned by WCW. Sting whipped Vader’s back until it bled. Deeper into the match, Sting gets busted open. Vader’s ear also gets busted open later on and he’s just a bloody mess. In the end, Sting holds onto the ropes to prevent Vader from touching the fourth turnbuckle, but Race smacks his hands and Vader is able to reach the turnbuckle to win. Uncle Dave calls this the best strap match he’s ever seen.
DAVE MELTZER: **** 1/2
ME: ***
After the match, Sting runs up and starts whipping Vader again until he runs off.
We go back to Bischoff, Badd, and Hyatt. Missy says she and Johnny have to freshen up for a party they’ve been invited to. Barry Windham then comes up to be interviewed by Eric Bischoff and says that he’s taking on all comers for all championships.
Final Ratings
Internet Movie Data Base: 6.7 / 10
Cagematch.net: 7.97 / 10
Me: 6 / 10
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