Games have become a part of life regardless of age, from children, teenagers to adults, games are still a tool that is not missed every day, playing games for a reasonable period of time can increase brain intelligence and sharpen the mind to be more critical and easier to solve problems. So it is not surprising that many of the world’s leading colleges or universities already provide majors in game creation, software and so on.

In recent years, game development giants have started making games with realistic design concepts. Considering that technological developments have entered the world of AI or Artificial Intelligence, for those who don’t know about AI, AI itself is a kind of robot or virtual assistance that can help humans solve problems more easily and accurately.

Like Chat GPT, which was released in 2022, it is now an AI platform that is often used by some people to solve problems.

AI or artificial intelligence can also help programmers or game makers in creating a game project or remaking a game from a dotted design to a more realistic one.

In this article, we will learn how AI can be very influential in game creation and development.

The game-making industry is currently starting to develop rapidly after entering the era of AI or artificial intelligence, developing games innovatively and always improving new player experiences, let’s discuss in more depth how AI helps in various scenarios.

1. Artificial Intelligence for NPC Examples

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NPCs or what can be called (Non-player characters) have been around since the development of games in the past, for example, the NPCs in the game GTA Vice City are local residents or pedestrians, in puzzle games or brain teasers they can be used to set levels or levels of difficulty. opponent or at a certain stage.

What you need to remember when using AI in game making is that it should not develop to a significant level of difficulty, such as causing overpower or always winning over the original player. You can imagine that if AI could do everything, it would lose the purpose of the game, because AI was created only to simulate so that AI is not really perfectly smart.

Currently, making games using AI without updates is very difficult, in some cases games involving many characters, such as most strategy games or RPGs, enemies can take each other and gather information to defeat the player, but there are also AI that can be used to against a pro player, namely open AI Dota 2.

2. Artificial Intelligence as a Generator

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The development of AI as a generator is to create a map or environment that cannot be created by the game developer. The meaning of it cannot be created in the sense that it takes a lot of time, so with the AI generator it can make it easier to create detailed buildings in very large areas with more In short, the AI program’s way of visualizing is by bringing up areas with mountains, seas and creatures in them. The AI version that uses this technology is the No Man Sky game, which is a game that presents unlimited and unique space exploration and each place or planet is inhabited by different creatures, this is all thanks to the AI generator.

Another example that uses this technology is creating two characters with different faces and then combining them into a new character with a combination of the two previous faces, interesting isn’t it?

3. Artificial Intelligence for Game Developers

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The benefit of Artificial Intelligence for developers is that it makes the AI itself the main player before final execution. This can use the developer to check if the player created has bugs or other errors, such as slot online games, how developers will also put an algorithm to adjust the image. or items that appear.

In recent years, game developers have also included AI elements in games, the aim of which is for the developer to obtain data or things that players like and then from the data that has been collected, the developer will develop it again for the next game update.

This method is exactly like the development of AI in applications and social media such as YouTube with advertisements and a number of e-commerce with product recommendations. This is collecting data from AI that users have done or searched for a number of goods or products before.

By looking at the advantages and uses of AI, it does not rule out the possibility that AI will be really needed in the business and technology sectors, especially for game developers.

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