There is no doubt that every NASCAR fan is thinking, “We need Allen Bestwick in the booth.” It just makes the most sense to bring Bestwick back in the booth for NASCAR’s top series. Bestwick is a fan favorite in the booth and it has been a while since we have been able to hear his voice during a NASCAR race.

Bestwick To NBC?

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There have been rumors of Bestwick potentially replacing Rick Allen in the NBC booth next year. This would bring Bestwick back to the station that he started with back in 2001. Bestwick made his first impression on NASCAR fans around the world with his iconic call at the end of the 2001 Pepsi 400. “It’s going to be Dale Earnhardt Jr., using lessons learned from his father to go from 6th to 1st and score the victory in the Pepsi 400.” There is no better way that could have been said. It is a call that still gives fans chills to this day.

NASCAR has lacked these types of calls and bringing Allen Bestwick back would be huge for the sport. It would also be huge for NBC as well. NBC would most likely gain more viewers with the old fans coming back to hear their favorite announcer call races again. There is nothing against Rick Allen here, but fans would thoroughly enjoy it if Bestwick was back in the booth.

Bestwick Made NASCAR On ESPN Great

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In 2011, Bestwick made his way back to the booth at ESPN. He changed the whole dynamic at ESPN and their coverage. With Dr. Jerry Punch and Marty Reid preceeding Bestwick as the lead announcers at ESPN, the coverage was very lackluster compared to FOX and TNT. There was a lack of excitement with the ESPN coverage when they needed to have the most excitement. ESPN was the home for the chase coverage and it just did not feel that intense. 

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Then, Allen Bestwick came to ESPN and everything changed. The excitement was finally back and the battle for the championship was felt through everyone’s TV screens. Bestwick is able to tell a story like no other and make it compelling to the fans. A great example was the last lap of the 2014 Brickyard 400, where Bestwick filled the last lap with a scene of greatness for Jeff Gordon as he led that last lap. 

You also have to look at the iconic last lap finish at Watkins Glen in 2012. Bestwick was having the time of his life up there as you can hear him laugh and his raw emotion is something special. Bestwick seemed to bring out the best in Andy Petree and Dale Jarrett in the booth as well. The excitement level in the booth was raised tremendously. It altogether made ESPN leaving after 2014 a sad moment as every race fan still misses that coverage today.

Bestwick’s Emotion

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As previously mentioned, the raw emotion of Allen Bestwick makes him stand out like no other announcer in recent memory. The fact that he can laugh during the telecast and get excited while keeping a professional manner was incredible. It makes you feel like you can relate to him and Bestwick calls the race with the emotion of any fan watching as well. It’s something the sport of NASCAR needs again. NASCAR needs Allen Bestwick back in the booth ASAP. 

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Belly Up Sports


    While it’s fine if he comes back, to make the statement that there’s NO DOUBT that EVERYONE wants him to is a little presumptive isn’t it? Who would they replace with him?

    Bring Allen Bestwick back. If someone has to …. maybe Michael W

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