What’s up Belly Up Sports fans? This is your good friend Jimbo from Stay Tuned Sports Podcast here, and you’re probably asking yourself “Jimbo why are you here writing an article and not on the podcast?” Well, good question. I was asked if I’d be interested in writing some articles on different sports topics, and I figured, well I think I’m decent at the podcast show, why not give something new a try that I’ve never tried before. So, I told the guys sure, I’ll give it a go.
Now for the people that don’t know who I am I’ll give ya some backstory of my sports likes/dislikes. First and foremost, I’m a huge die hard Philadelphia Eagles fan. Have been since I was 9 or 10. Probably younger but that’s when I really started to follow them and learn about the NFL. I’ve endured the Rich Kotite years, the Ray Rhodes years, as well as that college guy that I refuse to name after what he did to our team. I also got to enjoy the Andy Reid years and now the Doug Pederson era. Now I’m not your stereotype Eagle fan that most people out there think we all are. I don’t throw batteries at Santa Clause or snowballs at Jimmy Johnson, even though that was funny to watch. I don’t mind a good debate or argument and if you prove me wrong on something with the Eagles or any sports topic, I have no problem saying “You know what? You got a point there.”
Another sports team I follow is…… yep you guessed it. The Philadelphia Flyers. Now the flyers are a little different story compared to the Eagles. I’ve only really been following them for roughly about 5 years now, and it all started out as a joke towards my one friend, who is a devils fan. I like to act and say dumb things to him sports wise just to get a rise out of him. I was at an Eagles game in Philly only to find myself in a bar called the Broad Street Bullies. Now, nobody can say I’m a bandwagon jumper because we haven’t won a cup in years, plus until as of late, I had to watch crappy goalie after crappy goalie get between the posts. Tell you what though, sure is looking more and more like we may have finally found one. Only time will tell.
I also follow college football. Huge Notre Dame fan. I became a fan of theirs the day the “Bush push” happened and saw my uncle go nuts, who was a huge Irish fan, over the play. Since then, I’ve followed them religiously and actually went to my first Notre Dame game couple years back and man what an experience.

So hopefully I haven’t bored you with all that “where I came from” info but I’m definitely bored with hearing the question for a couple days now, “Is Julian Edelman a hall of fame wide receiver?” First off who ever started asking this question has to be drug tested. On what grounds, do you have to even ask this? Is he a good receiver? Ya that I’ll give him. One of the better ones that Brady and the Patriots have had but he’s not a Randy Moss or T.O.. If you look at his career stats among active receivers, according to Pro football Reference, he’s 31st among active receivers in career yards. In 9 seasons, he has only topped 1000 yards twice and over 900 yards only 3 of those 9 seasons. His career touchdowns aren’t even ranked among all time touchdown leaders.
Now one thing that did happen for him that MAY make a little sense of to why this question was asked is that he moved into second place all time for yards in the playoffs, passing Michael Irvin. Obviously, Jerry Rice is number 1, sitting at 2,245 were as Edelman has 1,412. Here’s my argument to that though. You need to win the regular season games just to have a chance at being a great playoff player. You can have all the greatest playoff stats and records you want, but if you can’t win a wild card spot or a division title then what you can do in the playoffs is irrelevant.
So in the end, Edelman may make it into the hall of fame at some point, but I think he will be waiting for a very long time. Until next time guys, this is your good friend Jimbo signing out.
Follow me @jimbostsports and the podcast @STSportsPodcast