Randy Moss posted this picture earlier today with the caption, “Pls tell me me the total # of tds all together in this one pic!?!? #OMGWEBAD”. Well, Sportscenter did just that for us. By their count: 1,647 TDs, 219,518 yards, 21 first-team All-Pros, and 12 Super Bowls. Those numbers are insane, but what is even more insane is the contribution of Tom Brady. While some don’t believe he is the GOAT, I disagree, and the number’s prove it.
Tom Brady’s Yards
219,518 yards is a lot. That’s the length of 2,195 football fields (and 18 extra yards.) You know what is even more impressive? Tom Brady accounts for slightly less than 1/3 of these yards. Add in Brett Favre, and you have about 2/3 of these yards. “But Kevin, Brett Favre has more yards, why aren’t we talking about how great he is?” Well, voices in my head, I’ll tell you. Brett Favre has 794 more pass attempts, and 1,324 more yards. If Tom Brady averaged 2 yards per attempt over his next 794 passes, then he will surpass Favre. Brady also has a higher completion percentage: 64% compared to 62%. If Brady did not complete a pass on his next 300 attempts, he would match Favre’s completion percentage.
At the same time, Tom Brady has five more rings than Favre, and accounts for half of the rings in the photo. So, voices in my head, that is why this article is about Tom Brady. It has nothing to do with the fact that I grew up five minutes from Gillette Stadium.

Tom Brady’s Touchdown
Tom Brady’s touchdown numbers are not as insane as his yards numbers. Instead of accounting for 32.1% of TDs (like yards,) he only accounts for 31.4% of TDs. To put the absurdity of this into perspective, add up the receiving TDs in this photo. Jerry Rice, Randy Moss and Larry Fitzgerald have 469 receiving TDs between them. They are currently ranked 1st, 2nd, and 6th in terms of all time receiving TDs. This proves the insanity of Tom Brady. Take three of the greatest receivers of all time, and Tom added more TDs than them.

How Does this Prove Tom Brady is the GOAT?
These are six of the NFL’s greatest players ever. Some think it is too hard to pick a “GOAT” in football, given the specialized roles of players and the fifty-five man roster, and I agree with that, to a point. as the the number of people on a roster increase, the significance of one player becomes diminished. This, however, is assuming every player is equally important, which they are not. The quarterback is the most important position in sports. With a subpar quarterback, it is hard for a team to succeed. The 2000 Ravens and 2015 Denver Broncos proved this to not be the case, they are outliers. In addition to this, they had historically great defenses.
Tom Brady stands out amongst six current and future Hall of Famers, and this makes him the greatest of all time.