This is why sports is awesome. I feel there’s much more outrage and people trying to get things in motion to get justice than the Fyre Festival. This attorney has to out his time toward trying to get the NFL to to overturn the worst pass interference non-call in the history of football on the behalf of Saints fans. Just the idea of a judge hitting his gavel after a murder case and then says, “next case” only for the courtroom worker to say “docket #135309 people vs. the NFL” makes me laugh something good.

We’ve seen Saints receiver Michael Thomas and others scream from the mountain tops about this…

Basically, it’s a rule that says the commissioner can use his power to restart a game if crazy BS type things happen. Like if a natural disaster occurs during a game or if Bane blows up the field while people are playing on it, Rog could step in and restart it. I really doubt he’ll restart this game, though it be wild if he did and it would probably be a better outcome than the Rams going forward when we all saw them lose. No everyone in the bayou will freak out about this for a very long time. They have every right to do that and I don’t blame. Either way, it will be the Rams and the Patriots in two weeks.

At least, Saints’ fans will have these billboards all over the city reminding them of what happened. I’m sure they’re down for that.

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