Quack, quack, quack! As the hockey world patiently waits for more details on the upcoming NHL season, Belly Up Sports wants to take a look back at the best hockey movies. Taking part in this quest to determine the best movie(s) ever made about the fastest game on ice, I knew I had to pick the films which are nearest and dearest to me. Here is why The Mighty Ducks Trilogy are the best hockey movies ever made.
The Mighty Ducks

Let’s begin with the original. The one that started it all. Growing up a hockey fan, I can’t tell you how many times I made my parents play the VHS of this movie in our living room. It seems safe to say this movie brings an instant rush of nostalgia to anyone who loves hockey.
People often forget that the entire reason this cherished movie saga takes place to begin with is that Gordon Bombay gets caught drinking and driving. However, if there’s one thing we learn from the Ducks it’s that everyone deserves a second chance. Bombay takes over as coach of the struggling District 5 Pee-Wee hockey team, and the rest is history.
This movie was the beginning of some of the most iconic fictional hockey players in history. Charlie Conway, the leader. Fulton Reed, the gentle giant. Goldberg, well, he was just Goldberg. These guys along with others like Jesse Hall and Connie Moreau represent different types of kids teaching children no matter who they are they can achieve greatness.
This all-time classic is a comedy with a heart warming tale of redemption at the center. Bombay overcomes his demons and the Ducks overcome their bullies to win the Minnesota state Pee-Wee Championship. However, this is just the beginning.
D2: The Mighty Ducks

It cannot be denied that one of the greatest debates within the hockey world is which movie is better: The Mighty Ducks or D2? Although my personal preference sides with D2, that debate can wait. This article is making an argument for the entire trilogy being great.
D2 takes everything great from The Mighty Ducks and builds upon it. Iconic characters? Take the best of the original Ducks and add greats like Russ Tyler, Dean Portman, and Julie “The Cat” Gaffney. Take the gravitas of the Minnesota State Pee-Wee championship and bring it to the international level at the Junior Goodwill Games.
Along with being a great comedy, this movie continues the evolution of the complex character that is Gordon Bombay. Bombay becomes lost in his quest to become the world’s first junior hockey coaching superstar and winds up losing the Ducks’ trust and earning the nickname “Captain Blood.” In the end, Bombay realizes what he’s done and returns to give one of the greatest pump-up speeches in film history.
Team USA defeats the heavily favored Iceland team (who became iconic villains too) and achieve international glory. Everything feels bigger and better in D2, which makes it the ultimate hockey movie for the whole family.

Here we arrive at the largely forgotten final chapter of the Mighty Ducks saga. Admittedly, this is the red-headed stepchild of the trilogy. Despite being largely forgettable, D3 still has its moments.
After shocking the world at the Junior Goodwill Games, the Ducks find themselves back home in Minnesota at the prestigious Eden Hall Academy. Despite their world championship, they’re relegated to being the school’s JV hockey team. Hijinks ensue on their quest to one-up the evil Varsity team and the Ducks once again are victorious in the end.
Because Gordon Bombay stands prominently on the poster for this movie, one might think once again he’s the main character. Instead, Estevez returns as Bombay for just a couple of scenes. Jeff Nordling is decent as new coach Ted Orion, but things just don’t feel the same.
Although this is an underwhelming finale to a great trilogy, there’s still some positives. Kids growing up with the franchise still learn some lessons as the Ducks get older too. Plus, seeing the Ducks channel their inner James Bond to prank the Varsity team never gets old.
In Conclusion: An Iconic Trilogy
Wrapping things up, The Mighty Ducks movies are some of the most beloved sports movies of all time. The characters are iconic, the comedy is fun, and the stories are uplifting. No hockey fan can say they hate the Mighty Ducks, and that is what ultimately makes them the greatest hockey movies every made.
Make sure to follow me on Twitter @Mikeadzima check out more hockey-related articles from the Belly Up Sports team.