I know the phrase “I can’t stop watching this” gets thrown around a bit, but I literally can’t stop listening to this 76ers radio call of Eric Bledsoe throwing a basketball at Joel Embidd. It’s simply the best start to a weekend that I’ve had in years, even better that Ryan Tannehill being traded to the Titans. It’s so funny that I’m not sure it can be topped. I know it will get topped eventually, but right now, this is the funniest thing going.

The way the announcer treats this like a WWE match is nothing short of brilliant. He starts it off with saying “there goes that Bledsoe” as if Eric Bledsoe is some kind of a creature that crawled out of a lake is wonderful. Then, to follow that up with “he just whipped the ball at Embiid” is fantastic because the tone and cadence he uses for it is like he knew this was going to happen because there isn’t any funnier way to say it. Next, he says “oh my” as if the Hindenburg just went down. Funny every time. Finally, when he says that he hasn’t seen a violent act like that in years, I question that a tad. I know the NBA isn’t like the demolition derby that is was in yesteryear, but I’m pretty sure more violent things have happened on NBA basketball courts. I mean, this happened a month ago…

I don’t know what else could be said about this audio. I wish this could happen every night. On second thought, I’m glad it doesn’t. It would cheapen the idea of a homer call of a guy calling for a guy to be practically jettisoned into the sun for throwing a ball at a guy. I’m just pleased that this one exists.

BTW- You try telling me that the 76ers radio guy isn’t Jim Ross

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