Skip Bayless is no stranger to posting something deemed dumb, pointless, or just flat-out creepy, especially, as it pertains, to the great LeBron James. Since the conclusion of the 2020-2021 NBA season, however, Skip Bayless’s posts about LeBron have been reaching new levels of creepy. Since August 19th, Skip has posted ten times on his Instagram. Seven of the ten are about LeBron James, and six of the seven were posted between 2-2:30 am. What a 69-year-old man is doing posting pictures at that hour is beyond my comprehension.

If I were to include Skip’s Twitter posts, this article would never end. However, to give you a bigger picture of the pure randomness of Skip’s Instagram timeline, we’re going to look at every post since August 19th. I’ll tell you what he posted, the time he posted it, and how he captioned said post.
August 19, 2021
The time is 2 in the morning, as shown by a picture of Skip’s bedside alarm clock. The caption reads, “Hey LeBron, I am UP here in LA. Are you? I’m preparing for my first workout of the day. Are you? LeBron? WAKE UP, LEBRON!”
Still August 19, 2021
It is now 2:30 in the morning, and Skip has once again taken to Instagram. However, instead of a picture, he posted a video of himself on a treadmill captioned it with, “HEY, LEBRON: IT’S 2:30 AM AND I’M STARTING MY FIRST WORKOUT OF THE DAY, RUNNING ON THE TREADMILL! WHERE ARE YOU?”
It’s clear that on August 19th Skip Bayless was desperate for LeBron’s attention. The biggest question is why? Why is Skip trying so hard to get LeBron James to wake up? Maybe more importantly, why is he literally screaming in his captions? We may never find out the real reason, but alas, we must move on to the next post.
August 20th, 2021
Just one day later, Skip Bayless took to Instagram at 2:02 in the morning, as shown by his (at this point) famous alarm clock. The caption reads, “Hey LeBron …. I am UP here in LA, preparing for the day’s first workout and for Undisputed. You awake? Finishing your first workout? You there? LeBron???”
I’m confused on why Skip doesn’t just tag LeBron in his posts since he wants his attention so badly. I guess he’d rather just scream into the abyss rather than send a notification to LeBron.
Still August 20th, 2021
Skip Bayless decided to switch it up and post a workout selfie instead of his usual alarm clock pictures. In typical Skip Bayless fashion, however, his caption was aimed at LeBron, again. “Hey, LeBron … I just finished my second workout of the day. Weights kicked my butt. I know, you did three today. I’m just trying to keep up with you, King. I’ll run hard for an hour tomorrow morning and harder on Sunday. #StrivingForGreatness”
August 27th, 2021
After Skip’s last post, he took a vacation from harassing LeBron James on Instagram until August 27th. Based on the picture of his alarm clock, it was a little bit past two in the morning when Skip Bayless typed, “My alarm just went off here in LA. I am UP getting ready for Undisputed and the first of two workouts today. Morning, Bron.”
Call me crazy, but I don’t think Skip posted this merely to say “morning” to LeBron. Even if he did, why didn’t he wish LeBron a good morning? It sounds rather suspicious to me.
August 31st, 2021
At 2:03 in the morning, Skip Bayless took a picture of his beautiful digital alarm clock, cropped it, and posted it to Instagram. The caption read, “Alarm just went off at 2 am here in LA and I am UP getting ready to run for an hour on the treadmill as I get ready for today’s Undisputed. From my terrace, think I can see one light on over in Brentwood. That you, LeBron? You practicing free throws on the backyard court? I am impressed and humbled. I cannot keep up with you.”
Quite honestly, Skip Bayless impresses me. At this point, most people would probably have gotten a restraining order placed against them. I suppose there’s always the chance that LeBron has filed one on Skip, but I feel like that’d be public news. Either way, these posts keep getting weirder and weirder.
September 1st, 2021
Like clockwork, Skip Bayless took to Instagram Wednesday morning at 2:03, showing off his digital clock. The King of (Instagram) consistency captioned his post with, “My 2 am alarm just went off and I am UP here in LA, prepping for today’s Undisputed and getting ready to run for an hour in the treadmill. From my terrace, I can see one light on over in Brentwood. Is that you, LeBron? You working on free-throw shooting on your backyard court? Man, I will NEVER be able to keep up with you.”
I’m not even sure what to say at this point, but all I know is that this isn’t the last of Skip Bayless’s cryptic creepy posts aimed at LeBron James.
Final Thoughts
To say that Skip Bayless is obsessed with LeBron James is clearly an understatement. Almost everything that comes from his Twitter and Instagram account is aimed at LeBron, and for what reason? Because he dares to compare himself to Michael Jordan? Is it because he wears the same number as Jordan? Or is it because once upon a time, Skip Bayless asked LeBron for his autograph and didn’t receive it?
I suppose the possibilities are endless, but one thing is certain… Skip Bayless has got to stop posting about a man nearly half his age at two in the morning.
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