Every playoff, the broader public is looking for teams to care about, the peoples’ favorite if you will. Yes, 16 teams make the playoffs and that captures a lot of fans; however, maybe six of those teams have a real shot at winning the title. Couple that with fans who root for fun and those whose team missed the playoffs, and you have many people looking to latch onto a team for the postseason. I’m here to introduce you to the peoples’ title favorite, the team that combines a superstar, fun, brashness, and newness that can capture attention. I give you, the Memphis Grizzlies.
The Peoples’ Superstar
I wrote a few weeks into the season about Ja Morant, his similarities to Allen Iverson, and why I thought he was so impactful even beyond stats. While I would love to claim that was foresight into what this year would become it was more just a connection I saw in Ja to my favorite player of all time. Now, while Ja’s MVP candidacy might have been derailed by injuries, he will be able to call himself an All-Star and All-NBA member this year. Add in all the highlight-reel plays he’s had this year, it’s no wonder that he’s become an NBA fan favorite.
From the audacious dunks, those completed or merely attempted, and flashy passes, to the smooth floaters and overall je ne se quios, Morant has proved to be a magnetic personality that any fan of the game is drawn to. When looking for that team that casuals (non-pejorative) and fans without a team in the playoffs can root for, this type of player is a must. This is how you build the peoples’ favorite.

Ja announced to the broader NBA world that he was ready to ascend to superstar level last playoffs when he dropped 40 in game one vs. the Jazz. But that series was over in five, too short to capture a broader audience. However, it served as a catapult into this season, and now he has a hype machine and exciting team behind him, ready to take his place as the superstar that draws eyeballs and fans.
Talk Shit, Bust Dick
A play on one of the best lines from The U: Part 2, this is an ethos of the Grizzlies. Sometimes it’s directed at opponents (hello Andre Iguodala, sup LeBron, we’ll see you soon, Minnesota Timberwolves). Sometimes it’s simply speaking with a brash confidence that might put pace the success they’ve had so far. Whatever the reason, it’s had a significant effect on building their overall brand.
Beyond the sound bites, Memphis from the top-dog on down talks shit and walks around like they’ll beat you over the head with a club. You might think Dillon Brooks alone could make this team less endearing. But take a step back and imagine if you had a shit-talking, hound dog on defense who would talk to anyone and chuck like he’s a superstar. You would love him, and I sense the general public will embrace the villain Brooks more and more.
As if the Grizz needed more fuel to their smack-talking fire, their first-round and potential second-round opponent are on their shortlist for most hated. Ja already has begun the playoff talk with the tweet version of (yawn) “these guys again” about the T’Wolves. The 2nd round could be epic, as the Grizz have been shooting arrows at Iguodala and the Warriors since 2019. After the teams’ last matchup in late March, the Grizz sharpened their tongues, firing off some shots at Iggy. If they win that series, the general public will be eating up the Grizzlies’ confidence.
Dillon Brooks on Andre Iguodala: “We all had the vision and he didn’t. It’s perfect, send him back to the Warriors.”
— Drew Hill (@DrewHill_DM) March 29, 2022
Who doesn’t love when a young team races past expected timelines and announces itself as a team to reckon with? The last team to do this was the OKC Thunder of the Durant, Harden, Westbrook era. Despite playing in a small market, they became a big draw through a combo of success, youth, and talent.

Despite having an average age of 23.9 and being the 2nd youngest team, this Grizzlies team produced the 2nd best record in the league by three games. This is an even more significant jump than those baby Thunder made from 8th seed to 4th seed in 2011. In a country routinely captivated by the young, new thing, the Grizzlies are the exact type of team to burst onto the playoff scene and capture America’s heart.
Any team they would play past the first round will be old news. We’ve seen them, and their players make deep runs in the playoffs. Even with two top 3 picks, Memphis is a relatively unheralded team. Those two picks, Jaren Jackson, Jr. and Ja Morant, were overshadowed in their draft class and didn’t get much buzz beyond draft connoisseurs before the league. The new, young underdog sells in sports, and America will be backing these kids.
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