Tacko Fall has played 11 minutes in the NBA. He hasn’t even really done anything notable yet as a basketball player. It’s almost inexplicable how quickly he has taken over Boston, and to a lesser extent, the entire NBA. All he’s done is be Tacko Fall and put up some garbage time points. To be fair, he has scored a lot of garbage points. So many that he currently leads the NBA in points per 48 minutes.

Yet despite the fact that he’s done most of his playing with the Maine Red Claws in the G-League, Tacko Fall is taking over Boston. His TD Garden debut saw the loudest crowd you will ever hear at a December NBA game against a non-playoff team.

People just love this guy. It’s safe to say we all thought that this moment would be the highlight of Tacko’s December. Against all odds, he has topped it. Anyone who requires further evidence that Tacko Fall is taking over Boston needs to look no further than this video of Tacko conducting the Boston Pops.

The Joy of Tacko Fall

If seeing Tacko do anything, let alone conduct a world-renowned orchestra, doesn’t bring a smile to your face, you’re either a full-blown psychopath or an intimidated Philadelphia 76ers fan. Anyone who comes from nothing in Africa and makes it big in the United States has my respect. But, to see someone like Tacko bring so much joy to so many people just by being himself is truly something special.

Tacko is the mayor of Boston now as far as I’m concerned. I didn’t think anyone would dethrone Tom Brady as the most beloved man in Boston for the next decade, but here we are. We can only imagine what is going to start happening once Tacko starts getting regular minutes.

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About Author

Jackson Temple

I was born a Boston sports fan into a world where Boston doesn't do anything but win. As such, my sports views are comparable to the political views of a trust fund baby. Sorry...

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