Tonight at 8, Dwyane The Rock Johnson, or The Rock as he prefers to be called, will be unveiling his latest creation, The Titan Games.
Seems like this will be the perfect show for you and your loved ones to gather in the living room and watch a bunch of of the most athletic people on the planet do a ton of things that will make you say stuff like “I definitely can’t do that nor would I ever want too”, or “Jesus, that person would destroy everyone on my entire block, if they felt like it.” Not to get side tracked but I am, but I’m a longtime fan of the original regular person competition show, American Gladiators.
But This Has The Rock
American Gladiators was awesome and those big metal balls that they had to roll on those areas where the smoke came out of the ground was stellar and dodging the shots from a gas powered tennis ball gun was always a dream of mine. But, The Titan Games has The Rock and anything he is a part is going to be cool. Check wrestling, Ballers, and I’m sure some of those Fast and Furious movies were alright. Plus, the competitors in the Titan Games are going to be how do I say; absolutely in completely better shape as compared to the athletes in American Gladiators.
The Question Remains
Does having his own game show now mean that he is serious about running for President? We know that The Rock has already mentioned that he might be interested in being the leader of the free world, if he can squeeze it in to his maddening schedule. The Rock said in 2017 that him running for President “I think that it’s a real possibility.” That’s a pretty good indicator that someone was looking to layeth the smacketh down on both the DNC and RNC. Sure, in a 2018 interview, The Rock said that he’s not experienced enough to run in 2020 and that he believes that someone would need to be at the local, state and then the national level first, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t really matter to people.
Meeting the Criteria
If you’re looking at the criteria that is needed to be in charge of the United States of America, The Rock crosses off many of the boxes necessary in 2018 politics. 1. He’s been in movies. 2. His father was successful. 3. He’s punched Vince McMahon several times. 4. Though he’s not in yet, he will be a WWE Hall of Famer. 5. He’s worth at least $280m. 6. He has an iconic part of hair on his head that moves in mysterious ways. 7. Now, he has started his own game show. Not sure about you, but that’s a resume of a commander in chief. I understand that he might have doubts about 2020, but it appears to me, a guy who knows nothing about politics, that The Rock is ready to assume the role of President.
So when you’re watching The Rock looking infinity times in better shape than everyone in his torture chamber that is crazy obstacle courses that people willingly want to go through, just know that that guy has what it takes to be the guy that makes the decisions for 325 million people.

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