The world of eSports, competitive video gaming at a professional level, has witnessed explosive growth in recent years. As the popularity of eSports continues to soar in the US, it is crucial to explore the factors that can impact the performance and well-being of the competitors.

Many factors impact performance, from diet and real-world exercise to posture and state of mind. To be successful in eSports, you must seek to remain in peak condition and not succumb to the sort of vices that would hold a proper athlete back. One such factor is smoking, a habit that poses several detrimental effects on physical and cognitive functions. Whilst eSports are conducted from a sedentary position, there are still strong arguments for not smoking.

In this article, we will delve into the negative consequences of smoking on eSports performance and how you can kick the habit.

Decreased Lung Function

Smoking has long been linked to reduced lung capacity and diminished respiratory function. In eSports, where rapid reflexes and precise movements are paramount, impaired lung function can significantly hinder performance. The inhalation of toxic chemicals from tobacco smoke, such as carbon monoxide and tar, damages the lungs, decreases oxygen intake, and impairs overall endurance. Reduced lung capacity can lead to quicker fatigue, poor stamina, and decreased focus, all of which are critical elements in eSports competitions. A League of Legends game can last 45 minutes, placing significant demands on stamina.

Impaired Reaction Time and Motor Skills


The world of eSports demands exceptional hand-eye coordination, swift reaction times, and precise motor skills. Spotting a sniper on Call of Duty or reaching a cross of FIFA requires swift reactions, and smoking compromises these essential abilities. The chemicals present in tobacco smoke constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow, including to the brain. This constriction hampers the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, impairing cognitive function and slowing down reaction times. Sluggish reflexes and impaired motor skills can severely limit an eSports player’s ability to react swiftly, execute complex maneuvers, and maintain peak performance during intense gaming sessions.

Diminished Focus and Concentration

The concentration and focus required for success in eSports are unparalleled. Smoking, however, undermines these cognitive abilities. Smokers often experience nicotine cravings, which can be distracting and detrimental during competitive gaming sessions. Additionally, the withdrawal symptoms that arise when a smoker is unable to smoke, such as irritability and restlessness, further detract from an eSports player’s focus and mental clarity. Maintaining a smoke-free lifestyle is crucial for sustaining the high level of concentration and focus needed to excel in the world of eSports. As an example, an ERSCA iRacing event can go on for 100 laps, and absolute concentration is required throughout.

How Performers Can Give Up

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There are many ways eSports performers can seek to give up the habit. Their needs will likely be a method that reduces cravings and improves general health but doesn’t have an immediate impact on their performance. For that, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is the best option. However, it is important to note that not just any NRT will work. For instance, Nicorette gum is a popular NRT that allows a user to chew and get a nicotine hit, but disposal might be an issue. Some gums come with a tin for disposal, so a professional eSports competitor could get rid of the gum, but chewing could be a distraction.

Instead, a nicotine patch or pouch might be better. Nicotine pouches are small products that fit between the gum and the lip. The ZYN nicotine pouches available to buy online at Prilla come in a variety of strengths and flavors, such as wintergreen or citrus. That means an eSports player could reduce the dosage over time, gently weaning themselves off nicotine altogether. Most also come in a handy tin for disposal, meaning those playing competitively could store their used pouch with ease without having to leave the game. Finally, a patch might be another good option. They tend to be in different strengths as well, but they also last for a long while – up to 24 hours. That means a professional gamer could put a transdermal patch on their arm and receive nicotine for a full day of competing without worrying about cravings or disposing of waste.


The world of eSports demands peak physical and cognitive performance from its athletes. Smoking, with its many detrimental impacts, can seriously hinder a player’s potential for success. Maintaining a smoke-free lifestyle is essential for optimizing physical and cognitive capabilities, enhancing focus and concentration, and ensuring optimal performance in the competitive gaming arena. By giving up cigarettes, eSports competitors can enhance their performance and perhaps their chances of landing a big prize pot.

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