Who doesn’t remember the scaffold match between The Road Warriors vs The Midnight Express? The day Danny Davis screwed the British Bulldogs against the Hart Foundation? If your still saying huh, how about the Dudleys vs Hardys vs Edge and Christian in the match of the night at WM 17. All of those teams headlined or should have headline every major arena in the United States in their prime. What about now? Is there a team out there who is more popular than the Rock and Roll Express? More ferocious than the Road Warriors (not LOD)? The answer is No but whose fault is it? Many people today would say Vince McMahon killed tag team wrestling.

That might be true because for the longest time his product is the only nationally televised one, but is that completely true? The fans hijacked television until Daniel Bryan was showcased and what happened. Daniel received his Wrestle Mania moment. Kofi Kingston was having a blast eating pancakes until the fans brought him to what? Kofi had his Wrestle Mania moment this year because of the crazy fan support. Even the most powerful of men give in to fans when there is a legitimate cause. So why aren’t people going crazy when certain tag teams aren’t getting their fair share?

The answer is simple no tag team wrestling today gets the fan support that singles wrestlers do. New Day may be an exception but as of right now Kofi is Kofi without the other members of New Day. Why is fan support so stale when it comes to popularizing tag team wrestling? Are there no dominant teams like in the past? It doesn’t matter, it only matters about fan support. If fans want it someone will give it to them. The upcoming months are crucial for tag team wrestling because of new platforms promote tag team wrestling, them everyone will follow. If tag team wrestling isn’t pulling ratings, well play Undertaker’s music because tag teams are gone. They will be always used as fillers but never headliners.

I’m interested if the competition in the wrestling industry will cause companies to shine tag teams a little brighter. They say another war is coming but is it? The product must be different but will the competition force tag teams down oyr throat or ease into them. I’m not sure, but I am sure if this. Tag teams were the main event before, and they can main event again.

About Author

Ronald Nelson

Husband, Father of two, teacher for 12 years. Writing as always been a hobby, now I get to write about wrestling and other sports, how great is that.

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